home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
07/07/95)= 71.53 5844( 10/07/95)= 152.69 5845( 06/07/95)= 50.76 5846( 18/07/95)= 76.14 5847( 31/07/95)= 67.63 5848( 31/07/95)= 62.96 5849( 25/07/95)= 151.22 5850( 17/07/95)= 50.76 5851( 20/07/95)= 607.25 5852( 20/07/95)= 51.41 5853( 17/07/95)= 21.30 HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 12.22 5856( 25/07/95)= 19.55 5857( 31/07/95)= 678.64 5858( 25/07/95)= 768.65 5859( 06/07/95)= 91.56 5860( 13/07/95)= 350.86 5861( 06/07/95)= 52.73 5862( 14/07/95)= 198.44 6039( 22/07/95)= 77.55 6040( 03/07/95)= 14.56 6041( 10/07/95)= % End of page % Toner Tuner Copyright 1993 Working Software, Inc. % All Rights Reserved % Patent Applied For userdict /ttInstalled known not { userdict begin /ttInstalled true def 100 div dup 3 1 roll mul 1 add exch sub } settransfer 100 currentscreen 4 -2 roll pop 3 1 roll setscreen % End Toner Tuner setup Monaco alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ interiors clinic clinicm company property management gement ement agement limitedS designd developmentsC directoriesY engineeringE tilley property developments flagshipa flagship quality flowers flowersa forestL gameD supply glassF glazingF groundbaseE groundbase civil engineering groupT group acceptances limitedT group accounts homeF glass glazing windows independentA internationalA investorsA investors independent international ironstoneV ironstone carpentry limitedV isorrhopiab isorrhopia metalS d]h^oV`X 5/24/998 Yesf2 Helvetica Geneva ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 3 ADDRESS 4 BANK ACCOUNT NO BRANCH BUSINESS ADDRESS 1 BUSINESS ADDRESS 2 BUSINESS ADDRESS 3 BUSINESS ADDRESS 4 BUSINESS DESCRIPTION BUSINESS POSTCODE COMPANY CLIENT NUMBER COMPANY NAME COMPANY REG NO CONSTANT CREATION DATE CURRENT DATE CURRENT DISTRICT NUMBER EMAIL EMPLOYER COLLECTOR REF EMPLOYER DISTRICT NUMBER 1DS UTR HUSBANDS UTR d NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR d NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dNDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR HUSBANDS UTR dNDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR d NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dNDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dS NI NO STANDING ORDER VAT REF SurnameB A Address 1B A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB SalutationB Tax OfficesB TO File ClosedB Tax RefB PAYE Dist RefB Old RefB I am pleased to announce that the new building at the rear of my home is now complete and I have moved in. The hard work of the last 6 months has created a first class working environment and a pleasant venue to discuss your affairs. The new address, phone number etc are at the head of this letter. Claremont Avenue runs south from Castle Lane just west of the Broadway Pub/Charminster Road roundabout to West Way. If you come down the hill from West Way make sure you bear right and don t fol low the road round as it becomes Haverstock Road. If I am holding paperwork which needs to be returned to you I will have marked this letter with a red cross at the bottom right-hand, and perhaps you might care to call to collect it (please ring before you leave to make sure I am here). As some of you will know, Sue Bird is no longer working with me. This is principally because our largest book-keeping/management accounts contract was lost when the client company ceased trading. As she h colleaguesh david mahmood julie julie_ ulie_ ulie_ ulie_ julie_ julie_ 6327M 7853I 9519P adva01 alli02 bate01 bell01 bing01 brai01 brid01 dada01 dupl01 edwa01 ford01 gand01 gill01 grou01 grou02 jand01 jone01 jrpr01 karm01 kitc01 loft01 loga01 mich01 nick01 palm01 pers01 pizz01 ring01 rwrc01 smit01 whar01 whit01 bir001 gro001 ros001 %RPTH alis FPTHA%Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends MSPCA 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Offices RPTHA TF Tax Offices ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Tax Offices FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Offices RPTHA TF Tax Offices ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Tax Offices FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices ntosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends MSPCA RPTHA Dividends ZONEA LettersC GCD relationship Test Tax Offices FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office ,Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Test Tax Offices Tax OfficesB TO File ClosedB Tax RefB PAYE Dist RefB Old RefB DescriptionB PhoneB VAT RefB BankB BranchB Bank Account No Bank Account No Bank Account No Bank Account No BankB BranchB Bank Account No Bank Account No Bank Account NokB BranchB Bank Account Noount No Bank Account NonchB Bank Account NomberB Bank Account NoG Company NameB A Address 1B A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB SalutationB PAYE Dist RefB t RefB Dist RefB PAYE Dist RefB PAYE Dist RefB Old RefB DescriptionB 0999h 256789h 256789h 273.30 73.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 17.50 273.30 273.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 273.30 273.30 73.30 centreP centreP locksheathP locksheath hants so31P 1/5/99 10:47:20 am 47:20 am 47:20 am Poole 4:28:03 pm :28:03 pm :28:03 pm 39:05 pm :39:05 pm :39:05 pm Old Standing OrderB Company Client NumberB 3) & 001 Proprietor CodeB NotesB FlagB Include in MailshotsB Include in MailshotsB 3n MailshotsB 3in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB NAME@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA ZONE@ alisA FPTH@ NAME@ RPTH@ ZONE@ alisA NAME@ RPTH@ alis@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alis@ ZONE@ alisA alis@ alisA NAME@ RPTH@ alis@ Company Ref << ABCP>>Q H.M. Inspector of Taxes AFAAABAOABAB>> AFAAABAOABAC>> AFAAABAOABAD>> AFAAABAOABAE>> AFAAABAOABAF>> AFAAABAOABAG>>Z FROM;[ A/INLAND REVENUE AUTHORITY (substitute form 64-8) ABAC>> ABAD>> ABAE>> ABAF>> ABAG>> ABAH>>l Findm Indexo Quitp Closeq Helpr Prints Delete Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 NAMEA Dividends RPTHA Dividends ZONEA Zip 100 Comlne_.USR BFMP3FMP3 Tax Manager 97 "Zip 100:Tax Manager 97:Comlne_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Comlne_.USR Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA<Sincerely yours Yours sincerely Yours Faithfully Best Wishes VDEFA( TickC Signature Style FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA Companies to HeaderN Companies to Tax OfficesP Companies to CompanylineQ Companies to PaymentsR Employers to Tax Offices FMRLA Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 %RPTH FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 MSPCA alisA Macintosh HD u Dividends FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office %Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 NAMEA ClntLtrs.FP3 RPTHA ClntLtrs.FP3 ZONEA RPTHA Comlne_.USR ZONEA Zip 100 Comlne_.USR BFMP3FMP3 Tax Manager 97 "Zip 100:Tax Manager 97:Comlne_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):ClLttrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA ClLttrs_.USR RPTHA ClLttrs_.USR ZONEA INCLUDE IN MAILSHOTS LAST MODIFIED MAILSHOT DATE MAILSHOT HEADING MAILSHOT TEXT NEW STANDING ORDER NOTES OLD STANDING ORDER PHONE POSTCODE PROPRIETOR CODE REF AS EMPLOYER SALUTATION SERIAL NUMBER SIGNATURE STYLE SO PAYMENT DATE SO PAYMENT MONTH SO START DATE TOTAL PAYMENTS r PAYMENTS TOTAL PAYMENTS rAYMENTS rNDING ORDER Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 L8The Winchester Group is the trademark of David Hugh Ross Sincerely yours, Dear << ABAI>>, Print Index "RPTH alis FPTHA"Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD +y Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory "Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 "RPTH alis FPTHA"Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD +y Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory "Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 MSPCA ClntLtrs.FP3 ReferencesB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 ac002 rad001 rea001 rei001 rei002 ren001 ren002 rey001 san001 san002 sap001 ses001 sha001 she001 sho001 smi006 spa003 ste001 ste002 stu001 sum001 swe001 syk001 tay001 til001 tra001 tur003 und001 van001 wad001 wad002 war001 wat001 wel005 wes001 wes002 wha002 wig001 wil002 wil005 wil006 wil008 ab001 mar001 mar002 may001 mcc001 mcc002 Goto Name and Address Find for mailshot Goto Index Spellcheck Goto Company Letters Goto Flag Setup Find flags Goto Tax Refs Find client Goto Help Goto Standing Order Goto 64-8 Startup script Find all Print Flag list Print Client list Goto Front Page Goto References Goto Practice Notes Goto Mailshot Goto Client List Enter find mode Password Goto Flag Setup Find flags Goto Tax Refs Find client @RPTH FPTHA@Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Practice Header J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 98 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD MSPCA NAMEA Practice Header RPTHA Practice Header alisA Macintosh HD Practice Header }FMP3UFSR TM Files @Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Practice Header <RPTH FPTHA<Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Offices MSPCA NAMEA Tax Offices RPTHA Tax Offices alisA Macintosh HD Tax Offices FMP3UFSR TM Files <Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Offices FPTHA=Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Company line MSPCA NAMEA Company line RPTHA Company line somewhere nowhereshire alberth albert colleaguesh bryan bryan bryan bryan bryan bryan bryan bryan bryan bryan Mimosa Rest HomeC 43 Caledon RoadD ParkstoneE Poole,F DorsetG BH14 9NLH Bob and DianeR 01202 745256V Robert JohnW 10/11/44[ Dianee MIM001n ROS001o 8330 077399q Sincerely yours Mimosa Rest Home CarrollC 12 Swift CloseD CreekmoorE PooleF DorsetG BH17 7UZH WayneQ ClientV Wayne De car003n ros001o 5049 147769q Sincerely yours,x Mimosa Rest HomeC 43 Caledon RoadD ParkstoneE Poole,F DorsetG BH14 9NLH Bob and DianeR 01202 745256V Robert JohnW 10/11/44[ Dianee MIM001n ROS001q Company Name Business Description Print Find all Find selection Company No. Index Close Find flags Standing OrderB Yesf2 Yesf2 Business Description Print Find all Find selection Company Ref Index Close Branch Bank Account No Old Standing Order Company Client Number t Company details - PRACTICE NOTES Proprietor Code Notes Flag (/) Include in Mailshots (/) Signature style Close Index ABAC>> Delete S.O to start INCLUDE IN MAILSHOTS 1/4/97 Helloe your new-style Tax Return when it arrives next weekv 1/4/97ce is most likely to be self-employed. Someone who is paid by the hour, at times set for him and who is supervised, is most likely to be employed. Please remember that if you properly review your working practices and act on the review from 6 April 1997, the authorities will not come after you for back-taxes later, so you can write your own insurance policy against this danger by following this advice. We are as eveD7r at your disposal to advice on this and other matters. uCWhat to do with your new-style Tax Return when it arrives next week Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Practice notesB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Macintosh HD TF Header Details }FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory *Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Header Details Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HDW *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Client Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Client Letters RPTHA TF Client Letters ZONEA Yesf2 sam001 cha001 /s001 22335 2335m 2335m 2335m 2335m 2335m 2335m 2335m 49568 04996 4996f 04996f 4996f 4996f 56254 22291 2291c 22291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 56254 22291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 22291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 56254 22291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c 2291c roadO unitQ poole roada Flag setupB Flag setupB Flag setupB sample@ house@ elsewhere@ somewhere@ colleagues@ house@ brigston@ brigston@ hop005@ mcl001@ 64891 56342@ 050698@ NAME@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA ZONE@ alisA ZONE@ alisA alis@ ZONE@ alisA alis@ alisA NAME@ RPTH@ alis@ Company clients File - indexB Name & AddressC Practice NotesD Flag SetupE MailshotF Form 64-8G Old Standing OrderH Simple ListI ReferencesO QuitP CloseQ HelpR Index Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter VAT Ref Company Client Number VAT Ref Company Client Number ZONEA Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Name and address Flag setup Mailshot New 64-8 Standing Order Simple List References Practice notes Front Page SO Setup Revised Standing Order Payments received nding Order Standing Order Standing Order Standing Order Standing Order Macintosh HD TF Notes FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory !Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Notes Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Header Details MSPCA NAMEA TF Header Details RPTHA TF Header Details ZONEA Macintosh HD TF Client Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory *Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Client Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Office Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Office Letters RPTHA TF Tax Office Letters ZONEA Registered Office Salutation (put comma after) Company Client Number Company details Postcode Company Name Close Index Phone eMail Delete Business Address Postcode FPTHA0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA "RPTH FPTHA"Zip 100:Tax Manager 97:Comlne_.USR FaliSR Mailshot TextB Mailshot HeadingB Mailshot DateB Signature styleB Share Scheme HoursB Partnership HoursB Partnership HoursB @A CGT HoursB Accounts HoursB ccounts HoursB Accounts HoursB Accounts HoursB Accounts HoursB Accounts HoursB Accounts HoursB Total HoursB Goto Name and Address Find for mailshot Goto Index Spellcheck Goto Company Letters Goto Flag Setup Find flags Goto Tax Refs Find client A Goto Help Goto Standing Order A Goto 64-8 Startup script Password "Hello" Hello 1)="Don" t + 1 t = 3 Sorryord Cancel YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO HACK THE PASSWORDS WHICH IS A BREACH OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT. CRUCIAL FILES AND RECORDS HAVE THEREFORE BEEN DELETED TO STOP FURTHER ABUSEI$ 0RPTH J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 0RPTH Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA millenium mortgages mortgages rtgagesk mortgages mortgagesk gagesk ortgagesk mortgages mortgagesk agesk mortgagesk ortgagesk gagesk tgages mortgagesk mortgagesk mortgages mortgagesk ortgagesk tgages mortgagesk mortgages mortgagesk jackK marleneK jamesB johnA noelleA clive trevorW carolR lesleyL lewisY lewis chrisY paulaX mahmood markT peterT marleneK martinB martin jamesB meganQ megan paoloQ nashM anneliM nigelC nigel carolJ nigel colin albert garyC noelleA paoloQ paulO househ househ bournemouth rnemouth courtyard bournemouth rnemouth bournemouth bournemouth emouth nemouth urnemouth broadstone stone dstone mouth broadstone dstone oadstone broadstone dstone adstone stone broadstone oadstone adstone lansdowne houseO moordown newbridge parkstone parleyE poolea ringwoodI roadA sandringhamc stationD wellingtonA wellington roadA westE parleyE winton bournemouth branksome christchurchI christchurch roadO dorset Simple ListB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Serial NumberB eMailB SO payment dateB SO payment monthB SO start dateB Company Reg NoB Business Address 1B Business Address 2B Business Address 3B Business Address 4B Business PostcodeB New Standing OrderB Total PaymentsB ConstantB Count GB Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD /RPTH FPTHA/Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Payments_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Payments_.USR RPTHA Payments_.USR Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Opening of my new officebills. Completion of Returns We only have until 31 January 1998 to complete everyone s Return, otherwise there will be financial penalties. The new system involves a learning process for everyone, and (for this first year only) we have to put together almost three years accounts for most self-employed clients. For speed we will therefore attempt to solve most queries by post or phone, but will meet face to face where either you or we consider it necessary. If in douD*bt about anything, please as ever ring us. Opening of my new officeu do this we have attached a separate sheet with brief guidelines. Employing subcontractors in the Construction industry *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends 95/6 MSPCA NAMEA Dividends 95/6 RPTHA Dividends 95/6 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD Dividends 95/6 FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office *Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends 95/6 *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Tax References MSPCA NAMEA Tax References RPTHA Tax References ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD Tax References FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office *Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Tax References FPTHA*Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Dividends 95/6 alisA Macintosh HD Company line BFMP3UFSR TM Files =Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Company line 9RPTH MSPC FPTHA9Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Payments MSPCA NAMEA Payments RPTHA Payments alisA Macintosh HD Payments BFMP3UFSR TM Files 9Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Payments @RPTH FPTHA@Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Company Letters MSPCA NAMEA Company Letters RPTHA Company Letters Company NameC Mailshot Find all Find flags Find for mailshot Print Index Close MailshotB MailshotB sampleh sample office software shops yelverton roadj roadj yelverton roadj verton roadj roadj roadj yelverton roadj yelverton roadj roadj pments yelverton roadj roadj foxlea foxlea roadZ roadZ foxlea roadZ roadZ roadZ foxlea roadZ oxlea roadZ foxlea roadZ oxlea roadZ roadZ avenueN foxlea roadZ roadZ brynheulog roadC Current District NumberB Business DescriptionB Current DateB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB househ househ househ mlverton mhouseh yelvertonj poole poole roada roada roada roada poole roada roada poole roada roada roada roada roada poole roada roada alisA Macintosh HD ClntLtrs.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory %Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 %RPTH FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Tax Refs.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Tax Refs.FP3 RPTHA Tax Refs.FP3 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD Tax Refs.FP3 FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory %Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Tax Refs.FP3 2RPTH FPTHA2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TaxOffs_.USR Fali,; NAMEA Tax Offs.FP3 RPTHA Tax Offs.FP3 ZONEA Hugh Ross AFAAABAIABAB>> << AFAAABAIABAN>> AFAAABAIABAJ>> AFAAABAIABAC>> << AFAAABAIABAD>> << AFAAABAIABAE>> << AFAAABAIABAF>> << AFAAABAIABAG>> AFAAABAIABAH>> << AFAAABAIABAI>> << AFAAABAIABBB>> ABDH>> Dear << ABAI>>, AFAAABAIABAL>> ABAC>> ABAD>> ABAE>> ABAF>> ABAG>> ABAH>> AFAAABAIABAO>> Game Supply Co LtdC 59 Claremont AvenueD MoordownE BournemouthG BH9 3HBH GordonR 01703 616069a GAM001n GRO001o 59484 44650 Aq Sincerely yours 8/12/98 8/12/98 10/12/98 2968051 44 Heol Y Ffynnon Efail-Ifaf Pontypridd Mid Glamorgan CF38 1AU 24.00 8/12/98 3:02:25 pm /12/98 8/12/98 10/12/98 2968051 44 Heol Y Ffynnon Efail-Ifaf Pontypridd Mid Glamorgan CF38 1AU 24.00 8/12/98 3:02:25 pm incerely yours 8/12/98 8/12/98 10/12/98 2968051 44 Heol Y Ffynnon Efail-Ifaf Pontypridd Mid Glamorgan CF38 1AU 24.00 8/12/98 3:02:25 pm Pontypridd Mid Glamorgan CF38 1AU 24.00 and JohnR 0202 570669Z 504 1226 02e GRO002n GRO001w Sincerely yours 24/2/98 24/2/98 Home of Glass and Glazing LtdC 46-48 Balena CloseD CreekmoorE PooleF DorsetG BH17 7DYe HOM001n ROS001w Sincerely yours 24/2/98 24/2/98 Home of Windows LtdC 46-48 Balena Closeosel VXwT0 E8h4z Yesf2 Helvetica Geneva L Helvetica Light Bookman Arial Bookman Old Style Times New Roman TF Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory #Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Letters 28 Lepatourel CloseD Purewell Zip 100 Header_.USR }FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 1Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Header_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index David Ross Macintosh HD Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Unique Taxpayer Ref Current District Number AFAAABAOABAB>> Business Description Close Index ABAC>> Company details - references Delete Company Reg No Associated Clients; Date Left Employer District No. Ref as Employer AFAAABBCABAB>> Employer Collector Ref RPTHA TaxOffs_.USR ZONEA Zip 100 TaxOffs_.USR FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TaxOffs_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR alisA Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR Print Indexr Group is the trademark of David Hugh Ross Print Indexrint Index>, Print Index L8The Winchester Group is the trademark of David Hugh Ross ABDH>> Dear << ABAI>>, Print Index Zip 100 TaxOffs_.USR FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TaxOffs_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TaxOffs_.USR SO SetupB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 #RPTH FPTHA#Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Letters RPTHA TF Letters ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory #Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Letters $RPTH FPTHA$Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Refs MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Refs RPTHA TF Tax Refs ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Tax Refs FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory $Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Refs !RPTH MSPC FPTHA!Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Notes MSPCA NAMEA TF Notes RPTHA TF Notes ZONEA Tax Factory $Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Refs !RPTH MSPC FPTHA!Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Notes MSPCA NAMEA TF Notes RPTHA TF Notes ZONEA 1RPTH FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory "Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Notes.FP3 Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HDv 1RPTH Zip 100 Header_.USR }FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 1Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Header_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA FPTHA1Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Header_.USR Zip 100 Header_.USR }FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 1Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Header_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Header_.USR RPTHA Header_.USR somewhere nowhereshire no22h Yesf2 Yesf2 Registered Office Salutation (put comma after) ZONEA Macintosh HD TF DSS Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF DSS Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD? 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Assessments MSPCA NAMEA TF Assessments RPTHA TF Assessments ZONEA Macintosh HD TF Assessments FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Assessments Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD )RPTH FPTHA)Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Agent Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Agent Letters RPTHA TF Agent Letters ZONEA Macintosh HD TF VAT Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF VAT Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF DSS Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF DSS Letters RPTHA TF DSS Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF DSS Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD? Front PageB Notices of Assessment and Correspondence Until further notice please send copies of any Assessments to Income, Corporation and Capital Gains Taxes and Class 4 NIC and any explanatory forms to; AFAAABAIABAB>> AFAAABAIABAC>> AFAAABAIABAD>> AFAAABAIABAE>> AFAAABAIABAF>> AFAAABAIABAG>> We authorise << AFAAABAIABAB>> to be our agents and request that you correspond with them on my behalf. Signed ............................................ for and on behalf oB ABAC>> come, Corporation and Capital Gains Taxes and Class 4 NIC and any explanatory forms to; AFAAABAIABAB>> AFAAABAIABAC>> AFAAABAIABAD>> AFAAABAIABAE>> AFAAABAIABAF>> AFAAABAIABAG>> We authorise << AFAAABAIABAB>> to be our agents and request that you correspond with them on my behalf. Signed ............................................ for and on behalf oB ABAC>> Macintosh HD TF Tax Office Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory .Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Office Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF VAT Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF VAT Letters RPTHA TF VAT Letters ZONEA Find all Print Flag list Cancel t forget to select all records being browsed in Filemaker print dialog Print Client list Cancel t forget to select all records being browsed in Filemaker print dialog Goto Front Page Goto References Goto Practice Notes Goto Mailshot Goto Client List Enter find mode Macintosh HD TF Agent Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory )Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Agent Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HDH %RPTH FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA ClntLtrs.FP3 RPTHA ClntLtrs.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory %Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD Name and addressB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Macintosh HD ClLttrs_.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):ClLttrs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):ClLttrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA ClLttrs_.USR RPTHA ClLttrs_.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD ClLttrs_.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):ClLttrs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):CoLttrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA CoLttrs_.USR RPTHA CoLttrs_.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD CoLttrs_.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):CoLttrs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):CoLttrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA CoLttrs_.USR RPTHA CoLttrs_.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD CoLttrs_.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):CoLttrs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TaxRefs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TaxRefs_.USR RPTHA TaxRefs_.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD TaxRefs_.USR FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TaxRefs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TaxRefs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TaxRefs_.USR RPTHA TaxRefs_.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD TaxRefs_.USR FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TaxRefs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR ZONEA Company Name Print Find all Find selection Old SO Index Close Find flags New SO Revised Standing OrderB Revised Standing OrderB Yesf2 Yesf2 ABAC>> ABAD>> ABAE>> ABAF>> ABAG>> ABAH>> To the Manager ................................................................. Bank Plc ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Stan........................................................... Bank Plc ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Findding Order Mandate Please pay << AFAAABAIABBG>> Sort Code Number << AFAAABAIABBK>> to the account of << AFAAABAIABBI>> number << AFAAABAIABBJ>> the sum of ABCB>>.00 on the << ABGK>> and at monthly intervals thereafter until you receive further notice from me in writing and debit my account accordingly. Account to be debited .................................................................... Account Number .............................................................Cj....... Signature (s) .................................................................... Date << ABFN>> IndexM QuitN CloseO HelpP PrintQ Delete ABAC>> ABAD>> ABAE>> ABAF>> ABAG>> ABAH>> To the Manager ................................................................. Bank Plc ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Change to Standing Order Mandate I refer to the existing Mandate, of which the details are as follows; Payee s Bank << AFAAABAIABBG>> Sort Code Number << AFAAABAIABBK>> to the account of << AFAAABAIABBI>> number << AFAAABAIABBJ>> the sum of ABCB>>.00 on the << ABGK>> With effect from the payment to be made in April 1998 will you please increase the monthly payments to; ABHB>> per month and each month thereafter Account to be debited ............................. Payments receivedB Yesf2 ....................................... Account Number .................................................................... Authorised Signature (s) .................................................................... Date << ABFN>> AIABBI>> number << AFAAABAIABBJ>> the sum of ABCB>>.00 on the << ABGK>> With effect from the payment to be made in April 1998 will you please increase the monthly payments to; ABHB>> per month and each month thereafter Account to be debited ............................. FindK IndexM QuitN CloseO HelpP PrintQ DeleteR Company Client Number..................................................... Signature (s) .................................................................... Date << ABFN>> FindK IndexM QuitN CloseO HelpP PrintQ Delete Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Pro 3.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0 UK English - Spelling Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Company Client Number Company details - PAYMENTS Close Index ABAC>> Delete Statement Statement Number Standing Order Cheque Total Total Payments Macintosh HD Payments_.USR BFMP3FMP3 Tax Manager 98 (SDK) /Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Payments_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 5RPTH FPTHA5Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Comps_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Comps_.USR RPTHA Comps_.USR New 64-8B New 64-8B New 64-8B as explained in the enclosed letter, she will be working in association with another accountant for the 1998/9 Tax Year but I will be helping her complete the 1997/8 year for her clients. I know she has made many friendships with clients of the practice since 1986 so anyone who wishes to stay in touch will now have her address and phone number. In my new environment I will be close to my young family, which is one of the main motivations for the move. Whilst I might well be working in the evenings I would ask that personal calls to the property without notice be kept to 8.30 am to 5.30 pm Mondays to Fridays. Otherwise I hope to be as freely available to you as possible. Please do use the mobile as Sarah and I are happy for you to get a quick answer to matters that concern you, wherever we are. If appropriate a Change of Registered Office form is enclosed - please sign and return to me. Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 alisA Macintosh HD Tax Manager Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files AMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help .RPTH alis FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file MSPCA NAMEA Help file RPTHA Help file alisA Macintosh HD Help file 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file 0RPTH FPTHA0Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Tax Offices MSPCA NAMEA Tax Offices RPTHA Tax Offices brigston brigston street streetl wallisdown sdown lisdown lisdown llisdown isdown llisdown lisdown gro003 gro004 gro007 hom001 hom002 hom003 inv001 iro001 iso001 ita001 ita002 loc001 mer001 mic001 mic002 mil001 mrv001 new001 odo005 per003 pri001 rem001 sam001 sco001 sha001 spo001 ste004 sto001 sub001 til002 tot001 uks001 win001 wor001 yelverton lynwood drive rivec paddington grove woodlinken drive dlinken drive\ inken drive\ inken drive\ dlinken drive\ locksheath centre ksheath centreP centreP sheath centreP 46-48 ffynnon 46-48H 46-48H addington_ railwaya railway lodgea roadO squareb househ trinityb unitQ poole roada Sample LtdC The Old HouseD ElsewhereE SomewhereF NowhereshireG NO19 2DDH Albert and ColleaguesR 0999 256789Z 235 444 666e SAM001n CHA001w Yours Faithfully Building Contractors 15/9/98 15/9/98 15/9/98 0999 367856 Company@Demon.UK 12345678 The New House Brigston n Somewhere Nowhereshire NO22 4KK 15/9/98 11:29:24 pm Millenium Mortgages Ltde MIL001dC 1 Yelverton RoadD BournemouthG BH1 1DRe ITA002 7/10/98 7/10/98 7/10/98 3291409 1 Yelverton Road Bournemouth BH1 1DR 7/10/98 12:09:04 pm Millenium Mortgages Ltde MIL001291409 1 Yelverton Road Bournemouth BH1 1DR 7/10/98 12:09:04 pm Millenium Mortgages Ltde MIL0010/98 3:29:24 pm *B Italian Restaurants (Europe) LtdC 1 Yelverton RoadD BournemouthG BH1 1DRe ITA002 7/10/98 7/10/98 7/10/98 3291409 1 Yelverton Road Bournemouth BH1 1DR 7/10/98 12:09:04 pm Millenium Mortgages Ltde MIL001 alisA Macintosh HD Tax Offices FMP3UFSR TM Files 0Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Tax Offices DateB TimeB Ref as EmployerB Employer District NumberB Employer Collector RefB TestB TimeB ding Order Mandate Please pay << AFAAABAIABBG>> Sort Code Number << AFAAABAIABBK>> to the account of << AFAAABAIABBI>> number << AFAAABAIABBJ>> the sum of ABCB>>.00 on the << ABGK>> and at monthly intervals thereafter until you receive further notice from us in writing and debit our account accordingly. Account to be debited .................................................................... Account Number ............................................................Cv........ Authorised Signature (s) .................................................................... Date << ABFN>> Macintosh HD Comps_.USR FMP3UFSR TM Files 5Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Comps_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index FPTHA@Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Practice Header "Hello" Hello 1)="Don" t + 1 t = 3 Sorryord Cancel YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO HACK THE PASSWORDS WHICH IS A BREACH OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT. CRUCIAL FILES AND RECORDS HAVE THEREFORE BEEN DELETED TO STOP FURTHER ABUSEI$ alisA Macintosh HD Company Letters J@6FMP3UFSR TM Files @Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Company Letters ?RPTH FPTHA?Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax References MSPCA NAMEA Tax References RPTHA Tax References alisA Macintosh HD Tax References FMP3UFSR TM Files ?Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax References ARPTH FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help MSPCA NAMEA Tax Manager Help RPTHA Tax Manager Help =RPTH FPTHA=Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Company line MSPCA NAMEA Company line RPTHA Company line Date Joined Date Left Employer District No. Ref as Employer AFAAABBCABAB>> Employer Collector Ref elsewhere bournemouth nemouth exeter crescent escentf centf rescentf crescentf escentc centc centc